GN Solids America Participated In WEFTEC 2021

As one of the leading water treatment show in the world, WEFTEC 2021 has thousands of exhibitors participated. Due to COVID, there are not that less exhibitors and visitors this year compared before, but GN Solids America witnessed a fast recovery of US economy and is so glad to be part of it.
The WEFTEC 2021 was held in Chicago from Oct.16th to 20th. GN Solids America LLC participated in this show and exhibited one vacuum pump and one waste water decanter centrifuge. Along with some posters and a TV to play some working videos GN did.
Hundreds of professional visitors came to GN booth, and had a hot & friendly discussions on GN vacuum pump, GN decanter centrifuge, GN dewatering screw press as well as some other solids and liquid separation solutions.

GN Solids America Participated In WEFTEC 2021 3

GN Solids America Participated In WEFTEC 2021 4

1.GN Vacuum Pump
GN Solids Control exhibits one 20 m3/h vacuum pump, besides this pump GN Solids Control also manufactures 5 m3/h, 40 m3/h pumps. Vacuum pump is particularly designed to move heavy density and larger viscosity materials, as long as the material is flowable, GN Solids Vacuum Pump can move it in a proper way.
An air compressor must be equipped with the vacuum pump to provide driven force. Vacuum pump can not working continuously due to the air need to suck and discharge every once a while. The working period can be adjusted easily by two switched on a control box. GN Solids Control also offers automatic mode and manual mode to control the on/off of the pump.

GN Solids America Participated In WEFTEC 2021 1
2.GN Decanter Centrifuge
Decanter centrifuge is widely used in various solids and liquid separation, GN Solids Control exhibits one 9 inch bowl decanter centrifuge GNLW224. In fact, GN Solids Control made centrifuge has different beach angles to working as dewatering, clarifying, and thickening.
We’d like to thanks for those visitors came to GN booth during this great WEFTEC show, and we are looking forward to meet you next year in New Orleans.

GN Solids America Participated In WEFTEC 2021 2

Construction Slurry Dewatering System Working for North American Waste Management Company

Construction slurry comes from many activities, such as hydrovac excavation, horizontal directional drilling, tunnel boring, piling drilling etc. Usually this slurry is mixed with solids and liquid, which need to be delivered to liquid waste management company for further treating.
Before it might be OK to dig a pit and pour inside without doing anything, but not suitable or allowable under the new environmental protection rules. GN Solids Control has been helping thousands of client treat their slurry in an economical way and varies on the treated material sometimes GN helps client to set up a new business line with satisfying profit.

Construction Slurry Dewatering System Working in North America

GN Solids Control has been providing construction slurry dewatering system globally for many years, today we’d like to share one hydrovac slurry dewatering sytem that we provided to a North American client.

In the old days, hydrovac slurry need to be driven by fleet to a liquid waste company, and most of the treating equipment either takes too much energy or too large to treat, and need high maintenance. While by using GN hydrovac slurry dewatering system, hydrovac contractors find a cost-effective way to treat the slurry and recover sellable aggregates, sands, silts as reusable water.
Here are the main treating equipment in GN hydrovac slurry dewatering system: GN Coarse Shaker, GN Double Deck Shaker, GN Desilter Cyclone, GN Decanter Centrifuge, GN Chemical Dosing Unit and GN Mud Tank.
As we know thousands of clients have thousands of needs, everyone is special and deserve a tailored solids and liquid treating systems. When GN Solids Control provides a hydrovac slurry system, we send experience engineers to clients working sites and communicated thoroughly on all details. GN compact design hydrovac slurry dewatering system always meet clients’ demands. With more and more systems GN provided, we are more confident to provide a successful solution.
‘Before it is waste, now it is treasure. Nobody can imagine this before’, says one of hydrovac waste management CEO.

Construction Slurry Dewatering Equipment to Australia Company

GN Solids Control is a leading slurry treating plant solution provider. With more and more hydrovac excavation activities, a high demand on the construction slurry treating by hydrovac contractors and fleets.
GN Solids Control has provided many successful dewatering equipment to the world, such as US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. As for this construction slurry dewatering equipment, it will be delivered to Australia very soon. It is mainly includes the following main treating components:

2021.09.23 Slurry Treatment System

1.Dewatering Coarse Vibrating Screen
Primary coarse vibrating screen is the first phase dewatering process, all big stones, branches, gloves etc are blocked on the top of the hopper, slurry fall through an automatic valve into coarse vibrating screen where opening mesh screens are fixed.

2021.09.23 Vibrating Screen
2.Dewatering Fine Shale Shaker  
A double deck shaker is used as the dewatering fine vibrating screen. Two sizes of solids removed from the slurry. Flushing nozzles and anti-spraying cover are optional components to keep the shaker deck from blocking after long time working.

3.Desilter Cleaner 
Desilter cleaner is shaker fixed with hydrocyclones, feed by sumbersible pump although sometimes centrifugal pump can be also used.
4 inch cylones can remove most of the solids larger than 25 microns. Usually after treated by GN dewatering fine shaker and desileter cleaner, we can get clean and dry sands and silts. As the hydrovac truck can carry solids and water at a very large different ratio, GN Solids Control also provides vacuum drying screen unit (GN ViST) to remove more water from slurry.

2021.09.23 Shale Shaker Tank
4.Big Bowl Dewatering Centrifuge
Centrifuge is the key treating equipment in this whole hydrovac slurry dewatering system. Centrifuge rotating bowl and screw propeller running at high rotating speed but at different direction, push the dry solids and recover clear water.
A chemical dosing unit is used to provide flocculant into the centrifuge, most of the solids larger than 2 microns can be removed by GN decanter centrifuge.