GN Solids Control this week finished manufacturing of one set sludge va
Vcuum pump and decanter centrifuge for an environmental company. As we all know, GN Solids Control has been providing oil and gas drilling mud and drill cuttings waste treatment systems for many years, in fact GN also has thousands of users in the environmental industry.

1.GN Sludge Vacuum Pump
GN sludge vacuum pump is especially made to move high solids content slurry, in fact as long as the material is flowable, it can be transferred by GN vacuum pump.
GN Solids Control manufactures different types of pumps such as submersible pump, centrifugal pump, screw pump… Among them, GN vacuum pump has the largest using varieties. It includes 10 m3/h, 20 m3/h and 40 m3/h model, and the first two models are convenient to move as they are fixed with wheels, while the largest model GNSP40B shall move by forklift.
Vacuum pump is driven by air, which means it can be used in explosion proof environment as well. To have a better move efficiency, an air tank may be needed. Suction height for the vacuum pump from the inlet port to the material is better within 8 meters. The transfer distance can reach up to 1000 m.
2.GN Decanting Centrifuge
GN Decanter Centrifuge is the key treating equipment when speaks of solids and liquid fine particles separation. As for this environmental solution company, GN Solids Control provides one 14 inch bowl decanter centrifuge to remove the solids larger than 2-5 microns.
Usually with the help of chemical dosing unit, GN Solids Control made decanter centrifuge is able to separate even finer solids.
GN decanter centrifuge full product line includes bowl sizes of 9 inch, 14 inch, 18 inch, 22 inch and 30 inch. Different bowl centrifuges has different treating flow rate to use in different industries. For example last year, GN Solids Control shipped some sets of 30 inch bowl centrifuges to North America for dredging slurry treating.