Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all GN families and GN friends. Time fly so fast that the 2021 is only several days left, and we are walking into 2022. Due to COVID, 2021 is a tough year and we are happy to say that we made it and we are honor to provide quality convincing products to GN customers even under some uncertain factors, like environmental protection, crazy shipping freight, travel restrictions…
We would like to give the sincere thanks to all friends that care of GN Solids Control development, we wish all of you a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2022. Whatever brings the best, we wish you they are yours. At this time, we’d like to take this opportunity to thanks for all GN employees, all of you work so hard to meet our sales target, no matter from our sales team, our technical team, our manufacturing team…

GN Solids Control has been working on solids control and waste management area for many years, and GN is proud to be the No.1 manufacturer who are certified with by API Q1 3rd USA party. Now GN Solids Control is mainly focusing on providing a turnkey solids and liquid separation solution.
1.GN Shale Shaker
Every year, GN Solids Control manufactures around 200-300 sets shale shakers, almost 70% of them are using outside of China. Shale shaker is the first phase treating equipment when speaks of drilling mud control, while GN shaker shakers are also widely used in environmental industry.
2.GN Decanter Centrifuge
GN Decanter Centrifuge is a fine treating unit, solids larger than 2-5 microns can be remove under a large G force. GN Solids Control builds different configurations centrifuges which can be used in various industries.
3.GN Vacuum Pump
GN Vacuum Pump is one of the most cost-effective transferring pump, any material as long as it not a big solid cake can be moved by this pump. GN Vaccum pump are designed to move the most tough materials.
More and more better products can be provided by GN, contact your sales rep. for the most cost effective solution.