GN Solids Control made drilling waste management systems are widely using in the global world drilling rig sites, several days ago GN Solids Control received one more positive feedback on Hi-G shaker and cuttings dryer from an International oilfield company.
Usually, drilling cuttings are classified into water base cuttings and oil base cuttings, as the water base cuttings are mainly treated by shale shaker and decanter centrifuge, while cuttings dryer and decanter centrifuge will be the perfect solution to treat oil base cuttings.

As for this overseas oilfield service company, GN Solids Control provides the following main treating equipment:
1.GN Hi-G Shaker: GNZS594F-SGZF
GN Hi-G Drying shaker GNZS594F-SGZF is a 4 panels shaker which collects the drilling cuttings from primary shaker, and eliminate water from the cuttings.
GN Solids Control is the only China screen manufacturer who can provides a full series of API RP 13C third party screen report. Under the high G force, GN drying shaker is able to remove most of big particles from WBM.
2.GN Cuttings Dryer: GNCD930F-VFD
Cuttings dryer is the most cost effective treating equipment when speaks of oil base cuttings, as the dryer can rotate under high G force so the oil can penetrate the screen basket with the cuttings left inside and fall off to the collecting hopper.
GN Solids Control provides 3 different opening sizes of screen basket, 0.25 mm, 035 mm and 0.5 mm. Screen basket scraper and flushing nozzles protect the cuttings discharge rings from blocking.
3.GN Screw Conveyor: GNSC12B-24, GNSC14B-48
To move the treated cuttings conveniently, GN Solids Control provides screw conveyor underneath the Hi-G drying shaker and Cuttings Dryer. GN Solids Control also provides height adjusting skids for the screw conveyors so they can work in different sites. In fact, those recovered drilling fluids from Hi-G drying shaker and Cuttings Dryer can be further treated by GN decanter centrifuge.